This was a pinnacle adventure in my life – a profound experience. After seven days of incredible beauty, breathtaking vistas, almost impossible hiking and climbing through five different climatic zones, I was standing on top of the highest peak in Africa, the largest free-standing mountain in the world. It gave me an unimaginable feeling of awe and accomplishment. It will take me a long time to come down from this mountaintop!
This is the story of the dangers, the challenges and the triumphs of a group of ten friends, led by the able guides of Tusker Trail on a nine day adventure to the top of Africa and back down.
I will live the rest of my life with the dream of Kilimanjaro fulfilled.
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This adventure has been chronicled in a coffee-table book entitled Kilimanjaro! available online. Just click on the book cover below for a full preview of the book on-line.
Omg- what an amazing experience. I loved hearing about this adventure. Truly emotional-
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