A collection of clients’ and friends’ comments
Everest! A Trek to Base Camp and Back: Published November 2012
Comments were sent by clients and friends after receiving a copy of the book at a Multi Media Presentation: What I Learned on the Way to Mount Everest: November 2012 and February 2013
 Based on a trek in November 2011

Click on the image above to see the book online. The proceeds of the book, as well as many donations directly attributable to this book has made a significant contribution to the Maya Sherpa Project (MSP)
All comments posted with permission. All contributors’ names published with permission
Bennett, Carolyn
January 29, 2013
Dear Willie,
I don’t know how I lose so much time and get so far behind, but I do. I am so long overdue in writing to thank you for sharing your beautiful book “Everest” with me. You write so beautifully about your trek to the base camp and the pictures are spectacular. You never cease to amaze me with your drive, determination to succeed, and your success in everything you do, whether it is climbing mountains, sharing your amazing singing and musical abilities, and relaying your expert wisdom in investing advice. I feel so privileged to know you and to be a small part of your financial group. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the lovely book and for your willingness to continue to work with my small portfolio of investments with you. I hope that 2013 is a wonderful year for you, Katie, and all your family. May it be filled with lots of love, joy, peace, and good health.
Carolyn Bennett
Berlett, Greg
January 15, 2013
Wow! Congratulations on the big ascent. I am inspired by your adventures. Thank you for sharing your photo journal. I will share with partners.
All the best,
Blose, Dennis MD
November 2, 2012
Dear Willie,
I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful and interesting evening last Thursday. I am always amazed at what you are willing and able to do to climb a mountain. I know my mountain climbing experience will only come through hearing your stories and reading your books. Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Thank you, also, for providing a copy of each of your books. Sharon and I enjoyed reading your first book and look forward to finishing the book we received Thursday.
Finally, thank you for your investment team. I told Grace the other night that choosing your team for our corporation and for Sharon and me personally was one of the best decisions we have made.
Best wishes,
Dennis Blose
Burt, Brady
November 2, 2012
Thank you so much for the incredible experience at the Columbus Zoo last evening. Annie and I really enjoyed saying “hello” to you and your wonderful UBS team. I (we) continue to be amazed at your life experiences and travels. You’re kind of like an intellectual forest Gump. We greatly value our relationship with you and your team and look forward to a very long relationship going forward.
All the best, your pal,
Burt, Larry, & Gwen
March 17, 2013
 Dear Willie,
What a lovely surprise we received Saturday in the mail, your Everest! book. Larry and I have both been reading parts of your adventure, enjoying the photos, and soaking up the magnificence of the scenery. We feel honored that you have shared this with us and look forward to slowly working our way through the entire Everest! book. You are such an incredible man with accomplishments that most of us can only dream of. Thank you so much for thinking of us and showing your adventures.
So glad indeed that you are our guide.
Larry and Gwen Burt
Chapin, Don
November 19, 2012
Your book – EVEREST! – is quite a beautiful book. I am so grateful that you included me for a signed copy. I have only looked through it tonight but will have a chance to read through it over the Holiday Weekend. Again, I must say what a beautiful gift and what a fabulous achievement! Congratulations on both fronts!
Best personal regards, Don H. Chapin, Esq.
Currie, Pat
December 1, 2012
How wonderful of you to share your adventure to the base of Mt. Everest with your clients. I admire your spirit of adventure and willingness to keep going. I am thankful for you and Colin and the rest of your team. All of you so willing to help me after Julian’s death. I am immersed in your book, the day after Thanksgiving. Thankful for all I have and grateful for people like you, who will do the climbing and I can read about it. You are a courageous man!
Tank you for your book and for being the leader of a pack I can trust.
Pat Currie
Dangel, Ruth
November 20, 2012
Dear Willie,
Your presentation was so very good–I feel like I trekked to Everest Base Camp myself! Thank you for inviting me. I love the book you were so generous to give me.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Davis, Melba, & Don
November 1, 2012
Dear Willie,
What a wonderful program! Thank you so much for inviting us. And your beautiful book!
Bless you,
Melba & Don Davis
Detwiler, Jim & Janet
November 1, 2012
Jim and I want to thank you so much for allowing us to share in your extraordinary experience. We really enjoyed the evening. Thank you also for the beautiful book. We are enjoying leafing through it from time to time. Your leadership and your great team are why we are comfortable in retirement. Thank you for guiding us.
Jim & Janet Detwiler
Eickelberg, Sue
January 31, 2013
Dear Willie,
I recently saw Derek who presented me with a signed copy of Everest! What a treat and a true gift that now finds a special place in my newly redone family room. Several guests have already pursued it and said, “That’s a keepsake”! I thank you so much for being so generous and I hope to hear your next presentation on Everest. I believe I was visiting with my two grandbabies when you last spoke.
Graciously received,
Eickelberg, Sue
April 30, 2013
Dear Willie,
What a privilege to be among those on Monday evening to attend your presentation. I have shared your wonderful book with many. What a gift to have received a signed copy!
Enclosed are checks to be forwarded to the Maya Sherpa Project and the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project. I applaud your rigor, commitment, and fulfillment of a personal goal. You inspire us all.
Frazer, Mary Jane
December 31, 2013
Dear Willie,
Thanks, thanks, thanks for your beautiful book, “Everest!”. I am really enjoying your descriptive story telling of your exciting adventure. Gene would have loved every minute of it. Mark has picked it up time to time and made great observations. I know you had a wonderful Christmas.
May the New Year be showered with blessings for you and all the family?
Mary Jane
Gould, Willis & Emily
December 3, 2012
Dear Willie,
Willis and I truly enjoyed both of your books, Kilimanjaro!, and now Everest! Your descriptions are so vivid, and we could not put it down until we arrived at the end of the journey, exhausted! We truly appreciate your can do spirit, which shows through in the way you lead your team to take such good care of us and our investments.
Thanks you!
Emily and Willis
Hooker, Ron & Mary
November 11, 2012
Willie, Derek, Colin, Suzie, et al… Thank you for including us in your family of clients. We are so glad that you are all in charge of our financial affairs. I still challenge Willie to a race to the top of K-2. Your books are not only beautiful but very meaningful.
Ron & Mary Hooker
Hooker, Ron & Mary
April 30, 2013
Willie, Derek, Suzy & Team,
Thank you for all that you are doing for us. The program last night was great. The review of your trek to Everest was able to bring your book to life for both of us, and we feel privileged to have been included in your event.
Thank you for taking care of us as your clients.
Ron and Mary Hooker
Keckley, Elaine
November 13, 2012
Dear Willie,
Your descriptions of the hardships and the spiritual and physical rewards of trekking to Everest Base Camp and back are vivid and inspiring. Thank you for the inspiration, both in this adventure, and in the difference you and your team have made in my life. Not sure where I would be without you—certainly in a worse spot!
Thank you for always caring.
Kelly, Ed & Teri
March 13, 2013
Sincere congratulations! If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. Thinking of you at this proud moment in your life and wishing you success always…
And thank you for all you do for us!
Ed & Teri Kelly
Klase, Kay
December 4, 2012
Hi Willie, Courtesy dictated a swifter thank-you note for the Everest book; but I couldn’t resist reading it immediately. Then, of course, I had to locate a jacket (no easy feat in Last Vegas) because the text and pictures made me so cold. One night, I actually dreamed I was climbing boulders. Then I finished the book; it caused me to recall similar feelings of grandeur and humility while sitting in total darkness in an undeveloped cave in the bowels of the earth.
Thank you for the opportunity to share your adventure. I’m sure it’s as close as I’ll ever come to Everest but a most enjoyable trip nonetheless.
Kay Klase
Koester, Lou
November 1, 2012
Dear Willie,
Just a fast note to let you know how much Dave and I enjoyed your talk, your journey, and pictures of Mt. Everest. Thank you for the book and all the hard work it took to put together. We will really enjoy the book. Thank you for everything you do for us. I am so glad God (and dad) put you in our lives.
With lots of love,
Lou Koester
Krueger, Jim & Dianne
December 6, 2012
Hi Willie,
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that all is well with you and your family. Jim and I were home for a whirlwind visit over Thanksgiving. We received your GREAT BOOK….THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You are so hard to keep up with all of your adventures. Thank you for thinking of us, and thank you for taking care of my financial plan and investments.
Lantiere, Tom & Sharon
November 1, 2012
Dear Willie,
Thank you so much for inviting us to your talk about your trek to Everest base camp and back. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Also, thank you so much for the beautiful book, so very informative and interesting. We appreciate all the guidance you have given us. We plan to make a contribution to the Maya Sherpa Project before the end of the year.
Thanks again.
Sharon & Tom Lantiere
Leick, Alfred
November 27, 2012
Hi Willie
Thanks for the Everest book. Looks great. I am looking forward reading it over Christmas.
I’ll show it to Thomas and Belinda.
Leitzel, Joan
January 19, 2013
Willie, thanks again for the gift of Everest!. What a wonderful book. Fortunately, I’ve been able to spend quite a bit of time with it in the last few days. (Indeed, it is very hard to put down.) There are parts I haven’t read yet, but I’ve studied each photo, and part of me now believes I was with you as you climbed. I also see now that we’re more fortunate than I realized to get you back with us in one piece. Thanks very much for sharing your awesome experience with those of us who will never do anything similar. I think I now understand better than I ever have before why people like you are compelled to undertake such adventures. That is how you are able to take care of my life plan so well!
Joan R. Leitzel
Lindeman, Bob & Polly
November 19, 2012
Dear Willie,
Bob and I had a lovely evening at the Zoo seeing you and Katie and others and your marvelous pictures – and enjoying enough hors d’oeuvres to fill our tummies. I have enclosed a donation for the Maya Sherpa project. Your book is wonderful – we are enjoying it.
Thank you, have a great Thanksgiving.
Polly & Bob
Lipetz, Robert
February 5, 2013
Thanks for the Everest trek book. That’s an impressive self published book. You have an eye for the camera. One of my GPC advisory board members is doing a Tibetan trek next month to 18,000 feet. It’s a big interesting world. Thanks for sharing some of it with me.
McNeal, Ruth
November 16, 2013
Dear Willie,
I went to the mailman yesterday and there was a package for me. I couldn’t figure out what it was and then my eyes really popped out of my head when I saw it was your beautiful book. I’m so thankful to have it – I really enjoy your other one, “Kilimanjaro!” – this will be as equally great to read, I know. Thank you for sending it to me.
Huge with thanks,
Neal, Susan
November 16, 2012
Dear Willie & Staff, Thank you so much for the presentation of “Everest”. It was a fascinating evening and story. Thank you also for the beautiful book. Unfortunately I had to leave early so I am able to finish the journey through the book. Thank you again for your generosity and sharing this once in a lifetime adventure.
Rich, Jeff
November 28, 2012
I just got back from AZ and found your wonderful story waiting for me to read. As with your Kilimanjaro book, I could not put it down. What a great adventure. The pictures were even better than Kilimanjaro!
Have a happy holiday and kisses to the family.
Sent from attorney Jeffrey A. Rich’s iPhone
Storey, Dr. James & Judy Slowek
April 1, 2013
Dear Willie,
We want to thank you for sending your new book, “Everest” to us. We have one word to describe it – wow! As we read it, we actually felt as though we were on the trip with you. The book now occupies a prominent place on our living room table for all to see. Again, our thanks. Our thanks also for having guided us for so many years in our financial “mountain climbing!”
Dr. James Story & Judy Slowek
Townsend, Tom & Karen
February 13, 2013
Dear Willie,
Thank you for your stunning “Everest” book. It surely, thoroughly, reflects all aspects of your spiritual adventure to a place few of us will ever see in person. It reflected amazing, beautiful vistas, the fundamental stalwartness and kindness of the native people; the scope of detailed planning it took to go on such a trek, and most of all the courage it took for the six who attempted it. What a relief that Al made it home O.K. It’s a good thing he listened to you and purchased insurance to cover the helicopter lift.
Those photos of the golden glow on snow peaks – transporting.
Thanks for sharing!
Tom and Karen Townsend
Ullen, Sue Ann
December 1, 2012
Dear Willie,
I got your wonderful book on your climb to Mt. Everest. Thank you so much! It is excellent. You are such a trooper. Ryan (9 years old) was fascinated with it and kept saying, “he actually climbed it? Is that what he does?” I explained to him more of what you do, and how well you take care of us as a family. Hope you and your family are well. Thanks for all your efforts.
Your friend,
Sue Ann
Verney, Roger
March 20, 2013
I got the Everest book. It is simply amazing! You did such a fantastic job combining the text with great pictures. It brought back a flood of memories of our wonderful journey.
Your leadership and friendship made the trek an adventure of a lifetime for me.
Thanks so much,
Wallace, Marilyn
November 30, 2012
First I thank a higher power for placing the Grove Team on my path of this life time.
Now I wish to thank you, Willie, for giving me a wonderful life, due to all of your hard work.
Willie, on a beautiful warm sunny day before Thanksgiving I received your beautiful book “Everest” at my door. I immediately headed for my garden with a cup of tea and your book to totally enjoy myself. As I sat reading all of the emotions came: laughter, tears, awe, amazement, etc. I looked up at my colorful prayer flags flying over my patio outside my kitchen window, down at my prayer bracelet on my wrist and all of the memories of this past summer buying beautiful clothes made by the talented women of Nepal. Now I sat reading about your adventure in this wonderful part of the world! Your writing and pictures made me feel I was “almost” a part of the “six pack”. Thank you for your magnificent book, showing your adventure and all of the financial help you and your staff give me. I love hiking the mountains (hills) of N. Carolina and the Grové Team makes this possible for me.
I wish you, your staff, and your family a holiday of love, peace, and health.
A donation has been mailed to MSP.
Marilyn Wallace
Walters, Robert
December 1, 2012
Thanks so much for including me among your guests. I really enjoyed your sharing of your experience. And thanks for the book. I look forward to reading it. Those mountains make steamboat look small.
Best wishes,
Wiseman, Judy
December 19, 2012
Dear Willie,
My heartfelt thanks for sending the book of your most recent adventure. I cannot wait to delve into it and digest your spiritual mission. You are such an inspiration to me, Willie. As is your company and your team. I am humbled and honored by your continued attention to every detail in my financial journey.
God’s blessings to you and family.
Thank you for all you do for me!!!
Judy Wiseman
Book Insert
I hope you enjoy reading about this amazing adventure I was privileged to experience in November, 2011. The physical challenges were great, but the spiritual and emotional rewards far exceeded my expectations. The vistas and the majestic high Himalayan peaks will remain with me forever.
During this trek I was reminded of the similarities between the preparation, planning, and execution of this adventure and what we, as investment advisors, do for our clients.
I learned three things:
Set the Goal
I would have loved to have set my goal to summit Mount Everest, but it was clear to me that that was beyond my risk tolerance. My goal was to reach Everest Base Camp, a much more acceptable risk for me. We help our clients decide their goal and determine how much risk is appropriate to reach that goal.
- Set the Pace
I learned that it does not pay to rush up the mountain. Rather, one must decide on a pace which is acceptable, sustainable, and realistic. Then one must develop the discipline to stick to that pace. It is unlikely that one would reach Mount Everest if one ignores this rule. No matter the elevation changes, the severe climb up a steep trail for hours, just to descend hundreds of feet, followed by more uphill, one must stick to the discipline. Markets go up and down, but the investment strategy and discipline of the pace, is what eventually will determine our success.
- Get Down Safely
It is funny that nobody ever asks how we got down, or how difficult that part of the trek was. The same rules apply on the way down. Set the goal, stick to the discipline, and keep the pace. Our commitment to our clients is not only to guide them during the accumulation phase, but also to be at their side during the distribution phase. The journey down the mountain is often more challenging than the ascent.
I thank our clients and friends for their ongoing confidence and trust in our group. Thank you for the opportunity to walk this journey with you.
Profits from the sale of Everest! A Trek to Base Camp and Back as well as donations received benefit the Maya Sherpa Project, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting the Sherpa people in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal.  All proceeds from donations go to the actual material and local labor for the various projects; no moneys are distributed to any of the officers or others who help or travel with the organization, or for any other uses.  You may make a donation to the Maya Sherpa Project by sending a check directly to: The Maya Sherpa Project P.O. Box 880144 Steamboat Springs, CO 80488  If you do make a donation, please send us an email at william.grove@ubs.com to allow us to monitor the contributions and the use of the donations.  The Maya Sherpa project is a 501(c)3 public charity and, as such, all contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  For more information please send an email to ntainfo@me.com, or call us at 614 477-0105. Please visit the Maya Sherpa Project website at www.mayasherpaproject.org
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